3:15 (Slowed Down + Reverb)歌词 – Russ

2023年6月25日16:27:08 发表评论 58

3:15 (Slowed Down + Reverb) - Russ

3:15 (Slowed Down + Reverb)歌词 - Russ


Yeah- yeah


All I ever tried to do was help you understand and grow
我所做一切只是为了让你明白 让你收获成长
Light the way for truths that if not for me simply wouldn't show
若不是我 真理根本不会在你面前显现
'Less you get somebody else who's on my level, but you know
除非你能找到与我相同层次的人 但你清楚
That there's no one on my level, you gon' realize if you don't
根本就没有能触及我高度的人 你早该意识到的
I wish you would own up to your flaws
And just say that you're wrong when you're wrong
当你犯错的时候 不妨大方承认
Instead of actin' like you're right, then it turns into a fight
而不是坚称自己没错 然后展开一场争执
Now you're stormin' out my house in the middle of the night, I'm tryna-
现在你大半夜的冲出我家房门 扬长而去

I'm not in love, it's just a game we do
并未相爱 这只是我们之间的游戏
I tell myself I'm not that into you
我告诉自己 我没有那样深陷于你
But I don't wanna sleep, it's quarter after three
但即便到凌晨三点一刻 我都无法入睡
You're in my head like, breathe
一呼一吸间 你都浮现在我脑海
I'm not in love, it's just a game we do
并未相爱 这只是我们之间的游戏
I tell myself I'm not that into you
我告诉自己 我没有那样深陷于你
But I don't wanna sleep, it's quarter after three
但即便到凌晨三点一刻 我都无法入睡
You're in my head like

Dum-dum -da-da-da-da, dum-dum -da-da-da

Dum-dum-da-da-da-da, dum-dum-da-da-da

Dum-dum-da-da-da-da, dum -dum-da-da-da

Dum-dum-da-da-da-da, dum-dum-da-da-da

Yeah, yeah

How come when I love somebody, part of me don't wanna stay?
在我还置身爱情时 我就不想停留此刻
Every time I get too close, I just start pushing them away
每当我靠得太近 便将他们一把推开
I know, I know
我清楚 我明白
Maybe I just wanna leave before they try to leave me first
Maybe I don't wanna need 'em 'til they say they need me first
或许在她们渴望我之前 我不会需要她们
I know, I know (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
我清楚 我明白
Damned if I do, damned if I don't
可我做也不是 不做也不是
Drank Tequila, I can't drive home
喝了龙舌兰 没办法开车回家
Hard to play cool, heart belongs to
很难保持冷静 我心归属何方
You, I know that if I show that
你 我知道显露感情的结果
I keep my walls up, if you want me then you better start to climb
我筑起心墙 若你渴望我 最好开始攀爬
Women who love me aren't rare, women who mean it hard to find
爱我的女人不在少数 但鲜有人真心相许
Somethin' tells me that I'm right about you, please don't prove me wrong
似乎有什么在告诉我 我的选择是对的 求求你 别让我失望
They say love's a song for fools who are wise enough to sing along (Yeah)
人们都说爱情是一首愚者的歌 但只有智者能够跟唱

But now it's hard to breathe
I'm not in love, it's just a game we do
并未相爱 这只是我们之间的游戏
I tell myself I'm not that into you

But I don't wanna sleep, it's quarter after three
但即便到凌晨三点一刻 我都无法入睡
And now it's hard to breathe
I'm not in love, it's just a thing we make
并未相爱 这只是我们之间的游戏
We're skin on skin, I need this spell to break, oh
我们如胶似漆 我需要打破这魔咒
But I don't wanna go, and I know that you know
但即便到凌晨三点一刻 我都无法入睡
You're in my head like

Dum-dum-da-da-da-da, dum-dum-da-da-da

Dum -dum-da-da-da-da, dum-dum-da-da-da

Dum-dum-da-da-da-da, dum-dum -da-da-da

Da-da -da

(And now it's hard to breathe, into me, I'm into you, breathe, into me)
(而此刻我已经难以喘息 与你坠入爱河)
Are you gon' use me?
Against myself and twist my head, and now she use me
与我言语相向 扭曲我的思想 而现在她
(And now it's hard to breathe, into me, I'm into you, breathe)
(而此刻我已经难以喘息 与你坠入爱河)
I keep my walls up, if you want me then you better start to climb
我筑起心墙 若你渴望我 最好开始攀爬
Women who love me aren't rare, women who mean it hard to find
爱我的女人不在少数 但鲜有人真心相许
I'm tryna (Yeah)
(And now it's hard to breathe)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: