Beyond the Stars歌词 – Dept / Ashley Alisha

2023年6月27日10:39:00 发表评论 15

Beyond the Stars - Dept / Ashley Alisha

作词 : Ashley Alisha/Dept/Sonny Zero/clam

作曲 : Ashley Alisha/Dept/Sonny Zero/jazzer

Beyond the Stars歌词 - Dept / Ashley Alisha
I look up to the sky
All the clouds are swimming right by
云彩在空中 飘舞游弋
I kind of wonder why
Sometimes I see more through the night
为何反倒在夜间 能看清更多事物
Maybe the stars bright light
也许 那耀眼夺目的星光
Wake up the dark how I liked
会唤醒 我喜爱的深沉夜晚
But it's different lately
但近来 都变得有所不同
Since the day we said goodbye, I
自从我们 同彼此分别之后

My lover is not mine no longer
我的爱人 虽再也不属于我
But in the sky I still see her face
望向虚空 却仍能看见她脸庞

When all the world on your side
当整个世界 都倾向你那边
Wakes up in opposite time
在颠倒的时间 醒来之时
Just know that I'm falling apart
就请予我理解吧 我正趋于崩溃
Didn't have much of a choice
其实 我没有什么选择的余地
Promised that I'd still hear your voice
曾允诺过 我会一如既往为你侧耳聆听
No matter how far you are

In the morning I'd be turning
早晨来临 我转身侧卧
But I find an empty half of bed
却发现床边位置 早已冰凉
Now I'm hurting and it's worse cuz
如今 我感到愈发心痛如绞
I can't get you back
The sky shines brighter when we both look my dear
亲爱的 当我们一同遥望天空 它才显得更为明媚
I visualize the stars will guide you here
我正想象着 点点星辰能将你带至身边

My lover is not mine no longer
我的爱人 虽再也不属于我
But in the sky I still see her face
望向虚空 却仍能看见她脸庞

When all the world on your side
当整个世界 都倾向你那边
Wakes up in opposite time
在颠倒的时间 醒来之时
Just know that I'm falling apart
就请予我理解吧 我正趋于崩溃
Didn't have much of a choice
其实 我没有什么选择的余地
Promised that I'd still hear your voice
曾允诺过 我会一如既往为你侧耳聆听
No matter how far you are

Skys aren't grey as long as you just stay
只要有你在 灰沉阴霾就消失无踪
I'm begging clouds to rain on me
我正这般祈愿 求乌云将我笼罩
Skys aren't grey as long as you just stay
只要你在身边 必将会是晴空万里
I'm begging clouds to rain on me
我在如此恳求 愿雨滴倾落我身

Hope one day I could stare into
希望有朝一日 当我凝视着天空
The dim blue without picturing me and you
无需畅想你我相伴 便能望见一片澄澈幽蓝
If I whisper that I'm sorry
若我低语 诉说我的抱歉
Would you hear me beyond the stars?
那是否会传至星星彼端 传至你耳畔

When all the world on your side
当整个世界 都倾向你那边
Wakes up in opposite time
在颠倒的时间 醒来之时
Just know that I'm falling apart
就请予我理解吧 我正趋于崩溃
Didn't have much of a choice
其实 我没有什么选择的余地
Promised that I'd still hear your voice
曾允诺过 我会一如既往为你侧耳聆听
No matter how far you are

Skys aren't grey as long as you just stay
只要有你在 灰沉阴霾就消失无踪
I'm begging clouds to rain on me
我正这般祈愿 求乌云将我笼罩
Skys aren't grey as long as you just stay
只要你在身边 必将会是晴空万里
I'm begging clouds to rain on me
我在如此恳求 愿雨滴倾落我身


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: