PARANOIA歌词 – HEARTSTEEL / League Of Legends / BAEKHYUN / tobi lou / ØZI / Cal Scruby

2023年12月1日17:09:22 发表评论 10

PARANOIA - HEARTSTEEL / League Of Legends / BAEKHYUN / tobi lou / ØZI / Cal Scruby

作词 : Cal Scruby/Rob Russell/Carlos St. John

作曲 : Cal Scruby/Rob Russell/Carlos St. John/Sebastien Najand

PARANOIA歌词 - HEARTSTEEL / League Of Legends / BAEKHYUN / tobi lou / ØZI / Cal Scruby
Two sides to a story but they never tell my side
故事总是有对立面 却从未有人站在我这边
Never been the kinda guy to stay inside the guidelines
自始至终 我都不是那种爱守规矩的人
I know I'm the bad guy, I don't gotta ask why
我当然知道 自己就是狠角色 也不会去多问
If you try to step to me, it'll be the last time
谁要是敢来招惹我 我保证会让你不敢再犯

I got dirt on my name, 6 feet in the ground
声名狼藉的我 被深埋在地底下
I got people in my past try bringing me down
曾经总有人用尽千方百计 想将我打倒
Say I'm losing my mind, I don't wanna be found
说我疯狂又怎样 有本事就来找我
Grew up in the shadow but I know they watching me now
虽在黑暗中蛰伏已久 但我知道 敌人在虎视眈眈看着我
Paranoia, on-the-go, I'm moving silent
我一意孤行 悄无声息地前进 绝不停下脚步
Pull up on ya, I got trouble right behind me
但总有人朝我步步紧逼 处处找我麻烦
Bite the bullet, suit and tie the silver lining
咬紧牙关抵抗 身着西装革履 迎接胜利曙光
I'ma show you how to crash a party
我将化身不速之客 杀你个措手不及
Every time you pop off

They hoping that you fall hard

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 也总是会招来仇恨

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Oooh they love it when you lost boy

Now the low life at the top floor
Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 也总是会招来仇恨

They praying for the death of a rockstar
They talk about me I forget to listen
对我评头论足 我根本没在听

At least I get the recognition

Heavyweight, I pull up on you with the repetition
我反复给你施压 你肯定顶不住
You in the pit, it's not no exhibition
你这可怜模样 错过不看倒是可惜
Ding ding ding

Oh they big mad, I'm the big boss
发现比不过我 这可把他们气坏咯
Talk a big game, take a big loss
还这么会吹牛 分分钟把你打趴下
Growing up I was the problem that they didn't solve
我变得更加强大 是他们拔不掉的眼中钉
I'm the piece that wouldn't fit inside the jigsaw
I got a lotta punch lines and a quick jab
但我不论是说话还是行动 那可是一个快准狠
I'm running straight through, I don't gotta zigzag
动起手来直截了当 绝不绕弯
I got a heavy heart, it's hard to lift that
From the cradle to the grave, never changed, make em dig that
出生入死 尽管来嘲讽 我绝不改变
Paranoia, on-the-go, I'm moving silent
我一意孤行 悄无声息地前进 绝不停下脚步
Pull up on ya, I got trouble right behind me
但总有人朝我步步紧逼 处处找我麻烦
Bite the bullet, suit and tie the silver lining
咬紧牙关抵抗 身着西装革履 迎接胜利曙光
I'ma show you how to crash a party
我将化身不速之客 杀你个措手不及
Every time you pop off

They hoping that you fall hard

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 也总是会招来仇恨

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Oooh they love it when you lost boy

Now the low life at the top floor
Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 也总是会招来仇恨

They praying for the death of a rockstar

They wanna kiss me long good night with a rose
他们献上玫瑰一朵 希望我从此长眠不醒
Hoping that the Eiffel falls of course
You don't understand the life we chose
我们选择的人生 你当然不会明白
On life support, Life goes
只要还有一口气 生活就得继续
I need my silence, my privacy so I can heal
独处的环境 才能让我静养好
And even rockstars got feelings that they feel
In reality this just repeats like a drill
可现实中 这样的情况并不少见

Every time you pop off

They hoping that you fall hard

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 他们更看不惯你

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Oooh they love it when you lost boy

Now the low life at the top floor

Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 也总是会招来仇恨

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Pop off

They hoping that you fall hard

They praying for the death of a rockstar
Everybody hating ever since you got more
你取得骄人成绩 他们更看不惯你

They praying for the death of a rockstar


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: