i watch the moon(热播版)歌词 – sunflow3rs

2024年2月4日16:02:17 发表评论 593

i watch the moon(热播版) - sunflow3rs

i watch the moon(热播版)歌词 - sunflow3rs

I watch the moon
Let it run my mood
Can't stop thinking of you
I watch you
So long nice to know you I'll be
Moving on
Moving on
I watch the moon
Let it run my mood
Can't stop thinking of you
I watch you
So long nice to know you I'll be
Moving on
I watch the moon
Let it run my mood
Can't stop thinking of you
I watch you
So long nice to know you I'll be
Moving on
Moving on


《i watch the moon(热播版)》歌词评论及赏析:

情绪_TZr:凌晨的告白一时兴起 凌晨的分手深思熟虑




Yinnhy:她问我 “你有多爱我?”我说“大概有300克。”她笑了笑,说这庸俗老套“我知道,300克代表的是心脏的重量。”可是她不知道,我只是一只老鼠鼠,300克已经是我的全部。


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: