No No歌词 – Lil Tjay

2024年7月4日11:19:48 发表评论 6

No No - Lil Tjay

作词 : Tione J. Merritt

No No歌词 - Lil Tjay
(I won't let you get to me, get to me, I won't let you get to me)
(我不会让你靠近我 让你攻破我的防线)
(I won't let you, I won't let you)
(我绝不会让你 绝不会让你得逞)
(Lil Tjay)

(I won't let you get to me, get to me, I won't let you get to me, I won't let you)
(我不会让你靠近我 让你攻破我的防线)
(I won't let you get to me)
(我绝不会让你 绝不会让你得逞)

Back to the heat, can't relax, now I'm back on my feet
重获热度 不能放松 现在我重新站稳脚跟
We ain't never goin' back to the streets
Money gettin' long, niggas mad they couldn't come along
财源滚滚 却有人眼红无法分一杯羹
I remember they were laughin' at me (Laughin' at me)
Bad energy, trench kid, mad energy
负能量爆棚 贫民区的孩童 满怀愤怒
Pray to the Lord 'cause I'm free
向上帝祷告 因为我已重获自由
Numbers organic, ain't nothing I forced 'em to be
钞票日积月累 一切都发生得自然而然
You won't be shit unfortunately (Blind)
可惜的是 你永远没有机会出人头地

I'm going up, nigga try us, and he tough, everybody trained to bust (Grr, grr, boom)
我不断攀升 有人态度强硬地挑衅 每个人都训练有素
We don't really give a ****, it ain't too much to discuss (Yeah, yeah)
我们完全不在乎 根本就不值得讨论
Deadies punchin', roll it up, turn that nigga into dust (Yeah, yeah)
发出致命一击 让那个家伙灰飞烟灭
Head high, grippy tucked, tell 'em Tjay said, "What's up?" (Grr, boom)
昂首挺胸 精神抖擞 告诉他们我的经历
Doing my own thing, chillin', been good in my own lane (Own lane)
做分内之事 惬意自在 走着我自己的路
I don't trust no one, that's why I be letting my phone ring (Phone ring)
我不会相信任何人 让电话铃声响个不停
Clip stay on me now, no more fightin', this pole gang
随身携带火器 无需打打闹闹 开枪射击
Stuck in my ways, ain't no role change
坚持自己的原则 绝不会转换角色
Run up, I'm lettin' my pole bang (Blind)
奋起直追 我要拿着武器倾泻火力
They don't really want war, nigga, no, no
他们不想卷入到战斗中 不 不
How you with me if it's war, he go dolo
倘若战争来临 他只会孤军奋战
at the door, you're a bozo
门口的暴徒赶紧闭嘴 你算个屁
Backwood blunt just to put me in my mojo
烟雾缭绕 只为让我变得欢欣雀跃
I know everybody dubbin' if it's time to ride
我知道 人们都在踟蹰 是否应当庆祝
Heart cold, life changed since my bro died
心如磐石 自从我的弟兄死后 生活天翻地覆
I can't get the fake love by my side
To the top, just me and my guys
登峰造极的 只有我与我的团队

Back to the heat, can't relax, now I'm back on my feet
重获热度 不能放松 现在我重新站稳脚跟
We ain't never goin' back to the streets
Money gettin' long, niggas mad they couldn't come along
财源滚滚 却有人眼红无法分一杯羹
I remember they were laughin' at me (Laughin' at me)
Bad energy, trench kid, mad energy
负能量爆棚 贫民区的孩童 满怀愤怒
Pray to the Lord 'cause I'm free
向上帝祷告 因为我已重获自由
Numbers organic, ain't nothing I forced 'em to be
钞票日积月累 一切都发生得自然而然
You won't be shit unfortunately (Mm-mm, mm)
可惜的是 你永远没有机会出人头地




:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: