Lonely is the Muse歌词 – Halsey

2024年8月17日11:20:07 发表评论 17

Lonely is the Muse - Halsey

作曲 : Stuart Price

Lonely is the Muse歌词 - Halsey

I spent years becoming cool
我雕琢岁月 方铸就如今的冷峻
And in one single second you can make a decade of my efforts disappear
而你 一瞬之间 就让我十年的努力化为乌有
I'm just waiting at the bar and you rip open all my scars
我独坐吧台 你却轻描淡写 揭开我所有伤疤
By saying something like, "Didn't know you were here"
一句“未曾留意你的到来” 如利刃般刺痛我心

I always knew I was a martyr and that Jesus was one too
我自知是殉道者 如受难的耶稣一般
But I was built from special pieces that I learned how to unscrew
但我由独一无二的碎片拼凑 早已学会自我解构
And I can always reassemble to fit perfectly for you
可随心所欲地为你 或任何人轻易重塑
Or anybody that decides that I'm of muse
完美契合期待 只为证明自身价值

Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯
Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯

So, where do I go in the process when I'm just an apparatus?
那么 作为工具的我 在这场盛宴中 该何去何从?
I've inspired platinum records, I've earned platinum airline status
曾经的灵感 让我坐拥白金唱片 享誉寰宇
And I've mined a couple diamonds from the stories in my head
从脑海星河 采撷璀璨钻石
But I'm reduced to just a body here in someone else's bed
如今 却沦为躯壳 沉溺他人温柔乡

I always knew I was a martyr and that Jesus was one too
我自知是殉道者 如受难的耶稣一般
But I was built from special pieces that I learned how to unscrew
但我由独一无二的碎片拼凑 早已学会自我解构
And I can always reassemble to fit perfectly for you
可随心所欲地为你 或任何人轻易重塑 完美契合期待
Or anybody that decides that I'm of muse
只为取悦他人 证明自身的价值

Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯
Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯

And I will always be a martyr, I will fill your life with songs
我愿永远沦为命运的牺牲品 歌声填满你的世界
I'll be a wind chime in the window, catching life you throw around
如风铃般 捕捉你散落的生命碎片
And I will tear apart your picture, I'll call you in the night
我会颠覆你的宁静 夜里唤醒你的渴望
I will exist in every second just to decorate your life
每一刻 我都为你而生 点缀你的生活

And when you're done you can't discard me like the others always do
待你玩腻 便如往常般弃我而去
And I will nurse my wounds until another artist stains me new
我会自我疗愈 待下一位艺术家重绘我色彩

And I will always reassemble to fit perfectly in you
我会随心所欲地为你 或任何人轻易重塑
For anybody that decides that I'm of muse
完美契合期待 只为证明自身价值

Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯
Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯
Lonely is the muse
孤独 成了我的灵感缪斯

Lonely and forgotten aside
孤独与被世人遗忘 暂且抛之脑后


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: