JEALOUSY歌词 – Offset / Cardi B

2023年7月28日20:26:15 发表评论 135

JEALOUSY - Offset / Cardi B

作词 : Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Belcalis Almanzar/Ozan Yildirim/Matthew Jehu Samuels/Jahaan Akil Sweet/Paul Beauregard/Jordan Houston/Arthur Herzog, Jr./Billie Holiday

作曲 : Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Belcalis Almanzar/Ozan Yildirim/Matthew Jehu Samuels/Jahaan Akil Sweet/Paul Beauregard/Jordan Houston/Arthur Herzog, Jr./Billie Holiday

JEALOUSY歌词 - Offset / Cardi B
There's a lot of drama between you and your beautiful wife, Cardi B
Let's talk about some music

Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
黑手党 黑手党 黑手党 黑手党
Jealous, jealous, jealous
嫉妒 嫉妒 嫉妒
Jealous ass b*tch
Jealous ass b*tch
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
黑手党 黑手党 黑手党 黑手党
Jealous ass b*tch
Jealous ass b*tch

Hatin' ass n****, 'cause I got it out the mud
惹人嫌 因为我总是能够全身而退
Hatin' in the family, n****, be your own blood
连自己人都讨厌你 你还是管好你自己宝
Screamin', "F*ck 12" to the D.A. and judge
尖叫连连 警察 检察官 法官皆落荒而逃
Never been a dub, never been a scrub
从不为人口舌 从不做小人
.45 Glock, now, oh, you want the judge?
早已上膛 你想尝尝?
Better than who must be high on them drugs
Coolin' in the mansion with the bubbles in the tub
在豪宅里闲适自如 泡泡浴缸享受
Heard you undercover, you a b*tch, you was a stud
知道你见不得人的事 你完蛋了
Set, yes, n****, don't try me
是的 别惹我
In a Lamb', I be damned if a n**** try me
老子驰骋着兰博基尼 如果敢惹我 他们就惨了
Gettin' ham with the fam, man, a n**** gotta eat
与家人大快朵颐 我是食肉者
Shawty, nuttin', I'ma bust, I'ma trick for a treat
小妹妹为我疯狂 我就是大奖
'Fore I bought the Lamb', I was ridin' in a Jeep
在我买兰博基尼前 我开的吉普
Five-hundred horses with a stick on a seat
五百匹马 配上座位上的棍
F*ck that n****, he'll fold when there's heat
去你的 他哪里有热度就往哪里钻
Go against the code for the dough, boy, you weak
和幕后黑手作对 你毫无胜算
Go against the grain, man, you know a n**** lame
和钱作对 你逊毙了
Cartier frames, I can see a n**** brain
卡地亚表盘 我能看见他们的人头
Cartier bracelet, they matchin' with the chain
卡地亚手镯 与这项链搭
Dirt up on my name, man, you n***** should be shamed
抹黑我的名字 你该感到羞耻
Knock off her boots when I'm throwin' up gang
当我在帮派里时 老子上垒了她
Diamond fruit loops on this watch, and it's plain
冰钻流溢在表盘上 这还只是基础款
My dog got the juice and no smokin' propane
我的兄弟得到了利润 他们吞云吐雾
I'm gunnin', I run to the money, Usain
老子腰缠万贯 钱不与我作对
Who talkin', who tellin', who sayin'?
I'm sellin' prescription *******
She f*ck with my pimpin', my cane
她骑我 大快朵颐着
I'm Michael, I'm not no Jermaine
我是Michael 我不是Jermaine
Jealousy, that shit gon' eat your heart out
嫉妒心 它会将你侵蚀
This a AR, sawed off, we'll slay your squad out
这笔钱收了后 我就把你们歼灭
This the beast you brought out, this a feast, we ball out
这是你带来的恶果 也是我们的盛宴
I'll eat your heart out, I'll pull your card out
我会将你蚕食鲸吞 我会让你出局
It's simple, put holes in his face like it's dimples
简单 在他脸上打几个酒窝般的洞
New Kimber, new bop-bop-bop-bop, make it limp him
新家伙 砰砰砰 让他好受
He play with me, blowin'me, rise in my temper
他和我玩玩 激怒了我
I got millions of racks in my mansion, my temple
I'm gangsta, but wit' your b*tch, I get gentle
我是帮派男 但仍以绅士风度对待你的女人
Wanksta, take out your teeth like it's dentures
流氓 如假牙般取出你的牙齿
I'm blankin', you eat this Glock up, Mrs.Winners
我功成身退 成功姐 到你了

Jealous ass b*tch
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
黑手党 黑手党 黑手党 黑手党
Jealous, jealous, jealous
Jealous ass b*tch
What the f*ck these ******* talkin' 'bout, man?
Jealous ass b*tch
Mafia, Mafia, Mafia, Mafia
黑手党 黑手党 黑手党 黑手党
I mean, who's tellin' us what?
我的意思是 她们想说教些什么?
Jealous ass b*tch
Jealous ass b*tch

Look, ain't no b*tch finna front on me
Bad body b*tch with the jumbo teeth
妖娆身材 姐可是有獠牙的
Yellow Lamborghini like a bumblebee
Girl, nobody listen to you 'less you talkin' 'bout me
除非是讨论老娘 否则没人在听你
It's always a bird tryna tweet shit
You offended when I be on defense
在老娘辩护是 你触怒了姐
They're too worried 'bout me and my n****
You should worry 'bout that n**** yours sleep with, hmm
Face is given and never not gave
早已给你脸了 不会再给
Been to Atlanta, but b*tches ain't brave
曾在亚特兰大 但她们还是怂得要死
How ******* mad? I'm the number one pick
It's funny, your n**** the one that's a trade
如此有趣 你的男人和你只是交易
B*tches is mad stupid

They get to the bag and lose it
Lose it
I'm still in the bed, I live on head
老娘任旧在床上 住在一线
Water and gas included, brrt
B*tches don't wanna go Birkin for Birkin
B*tches ain't got enough hits for a VERZUZ
B*tches be actin' so different in person
她们当面一套 背后一套
Cartier frames, I can see why she nervous
卡地亚表盘 她们紧张得要死
This shit is a circus, I'm dipped in detergent
这是个马戏团 老娘就是清洗剂
I'm sick, get the nurses, my whip got the curtains
老娘病了 叫护士来 老娘的跑车装了窗帘
I'm dripped out in Hermes
A b*tch say my name, then she number one trendin'
恶女提及老娘 她就上了热门
I did you a service, b*tch

Jealous ass b*tch
Jealous ass b*tch
Like, huh?
就像 哈?
Jealous ass b*tch
Man, what the f*ck these hoes talkin' 'bout? Hold on, hold on, hold on
老兄 这些贱婢在说什么?打住 打住 打住

Look, let's keep it a bean, let's keep it a buck
If I had a d*ck, it need to be sucked
如果老娘有个乌干达 她们来吸
All of my opps is runnin' they jibs
Stomach too big, it need to be tucked
胃口太大 需要被塞满
All of that cryin' be keepin' me up
When Bardi's around, they see me and duck
当老娘登场 他们通通闻风丧胆
When I make a post, I'm leavin' it up
当我发照片 我从不删
They came from the hood but they leave in the trunk, b*tch
他们来自街区 但他们也就那样了


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: