Something Real歌词 – Post Malone

2023年7月29日18:06:01 发表评论 22

Something Real - Post Malone


作词 : Louis Bell/Andrew Watt/Austin Post/Billy Walsh

作曲 : Louis Bell/Andrew Watt/Austin Post/Billy Walsh

Something Real歌词 - Post Malone
Give me something I can feel
Light a cigarette just so I can breathe
点上一根烟 这样我便得以喘息
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
Seven hundred feet off the coast of Greece

Give me something I can feel
No reservation, pull up twenty deep
不需要预约 停到二十尺深
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
I would trade it all just to be at peace

Stop, it gets too hot, this is overload
停下 事态愈发火热 将要过载
It don't matter what car is sitting outside, it's a lonely road
无所谓外面停着什么车 这是条孤独之路
It's a double-edged sword, cutting off ties with the ones I know
一把双刃剑 斩断了我与熟识之人的联系
So tell me how the **** am I still alive, it's a miracle
所以告诉我 我怎么还活着 简直就像奇迹

And I can't believe we threw up here in Louis V
而我不敢相信 我们在路易威登店门口吐了
It's what I need right now
It's just my need, at the gates of hell, no VIP
这便是我所需 在大堂门外 不需要贵宾席
Everybody waits in line

So give me something I can feel
Some 20 S and 50 Vs
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
I was in my B sipping burgundy
我瘫在床上 喝着我的勃艮第酒

Give me something I can feel
Prada on my ****, Prada on my sleeves
普拉达在我胯间 普拉达在我袖上
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
I could play that ***** like it's Für Elise
我可以玩弄这浦西 就像致爱丽丝

I got real habits, I'm a snowmobile addict
我也有些真正的爱好 我中意雪地摩托
Teal Patek, steel when I feel Patek
青色百达翡丽 驰骋时宛如钢铁之躯
Throw a mil at it, problem throw a bill at it
大手一挥扔一百万 不行就再加张钞票
Still at it, sign another deal at it
还在继续 那就再签一份合同

And I can't believe everybody gets to drink for free
简直不敢相信 每个人都有免费的酒喝
So give me one more round
No cover fee, any gates of hell, no VIP
没有门票 犹如地狱之门 没有贵宾
Everybody waits in line

So give me something I can feel
Light a cigarette just so I can breathe
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
How much psilocybin can a human eat?
我瘫在床上 喝着我的勃艮第酒

Give me something I can feel
Whiskey, love, and bud just to fall asleep
威士忌 爱情 还有真情实感的哥们
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
And it's what I want, it ain't what I need
这就是我想要的 而并非我需要的

Give me something I can feel
Got everything, guess I'm hard to please
我坐拥一切 想必我非常难以取悦
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物
I would trade my life just to be at peace

Give me something I can feel
Give me something, something real
给我些真实的事物 真实的事物


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: