2023年9月7日09:11:25 发表评论 1


作词 : Tiyon “TC” Mack

作曲 : Chaz Jackson/Orlando Williamson/Tiyon “TC” Mack/Justin “King Midas” Lay

制作人 : Tha Aristocrats (Chaz Jackson and Orlando Williamson)


Concept Produced by Davis Arrived
Co-Produced by Justin "King Midas" Lay
Background Vocals: Tiyon “TC” Mack
Vocal Director: Tiyon “TC” Mack
Recording Engineer: Michael Sebastian Romero and Tiyon “TC” Mack
Mix Engineer: Michael Sebastian Romero and Chaz D. Jackson
Mixed and Mastered by Tha Aristocrats (Chaz Jackson and Orlando Williamson)
Recorded at The Record Plant Recording Studios (Hollywood, California)

Tell me what you talkin’ bout
告诉我 你在说什么
Tell me what you
再说一次 别沉默
Tell me what you talkin’ bout
别绕弯子 有话就说
You always talkin’
喋喋不休 七嘴八舌
Got my name up in your mouth
把我的名字挂在嘴边 像你们茶余饭后的谈资
Tell me what you
Tell me what you talkin’ bout
Talk about me, yeah

Say what you want to
有话直说 用你的话语
It’s always something when I come through
Ya talkin’, talkin’
What you gon’ do?
Ya talkin’, talkin’
Got nothing to prove, yeah

Put your labels on me
随你们把任何标签 贴在我身上
I don’t know what you think you’re gon’ see
我不知道究竟窥探什么 才是你期望
I don’t know what you’re wanting from me
我也不明白到底要怎样 才能符合你想象
So why you talkin’ bout me crazy?
难道因为这样 你就认为我疯狂
Let me hear you talk
说来听听 你怎么想

Say whatever you want
开始吧 可以但说无妨
It don’t matter just don’t
无所谓 因为万事无常
Say nothing about me crazy
别再谈论 说我疯了
Say whatever you want
开始吧 可以但说无妨
It don’t matter just don’t
无所谓 因为万事无常
Say nothing about me crazy
闭上嘴吧 别再说我疯了
So tell me what you talkin’ bout
换点别的 你们还有什么好讲

Tell me what you talkin’ bout
告诉我 你说什么呢
Tell me what you
再说一次 我没听清
Tell me what you talkin’ bout
别绕弯子 我在问你话呢
You always talkin’
总是叽叽喳喳 喋喋不休
Got my name up in your mouth
Tell me what you
Tell me what you talkin’ bout
Talk about me, yeah

Go head put the blame on me
横眉冷对 千夫所指
Go head guess it’s shame on me, yeah
欲加之罪 何患无辞
Don’t it look good on me
I’ll be what you want me to be

Put your labels on me
随你们把任何标签 贴在我身上
I don’t know what you think you’re gon’ see
我不知道究竟窥探什么 才是你期望
I don’t know what you’re wanting from me
我也不明白到底要怎样 才能符合你想象
So why you talkin’ bout me crazy?
难道因为这样 你就认为我疯狂
Let me hear you talk
让我听听 你怎么讲

Say whatever you want
开始吧 可以但说无妨
It don’t matter just don’t
无所谓 因为万事无常
Say nothing about me crazy
给我闭嘴 别说我疯了
Say whatever you want
不如痛快告诉我 你到底想怎么样
It don’t matter just don’t
不重要 无所谓
Say nothing about me crazy
So tell me what you talkin’ bout
所以现在告诉我 除了这些你还有什么话说

Drag me through the mud
吞噬感拖曳着 我被困在肮脏的泥潭
Trade my heart for gold
被交换黄金的 是我心底炙热的呢喃
Guess you’re what I’m living for
面对你 我只会站立 绝不会颤栗
Well I’m gonna fight to the end
看吧 直到最后一刻 我都会为此奋战
Just to show you who I am
为了让你看清 你眼前站着的人究竟是谁
Am I safe in your hands?
在你手中 我是否又岌岌可危

Say what you want

Say whatever you want
开始吧 可以但说无妨
It don’t matter just don’t
无所谓 因为万事无常
Say nothing about me crazy
给我闭嘴 别说我疯了
Say whatever you want
开始吧 可以但说无妨
It don’t matter just don’t
无所谓 因为万事无常
Say nothing about me crazy
给我闭嘴 别说我疯了
So tell me what you talkin’ bout
现在告诉我 你还有什么好讲


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: