Screw The World (Interlude)歌词 – Drake

2023年10月7日16:35:49 发表评论 6

Screw The World (Interlude) - Drake

专辑:《For All The Dogs

作词 : S. Barnes/J C Olivier/A. W. Felder/N. R. Harris/J. Hutchins/N. Jones/A O'Bryant/D. Reeves/L. Smith/K. Walker

作曲 : S. Barnes/J C Olivier/A. W. Felder/N. R. Harris/J. Hutchins/N. Jones/A O'Bryant/D. Reeves/L. Smith/K. Walker

Screw The World (Interlude)歌词 - Drake
I never player hate
Uh, 'bout to screw the world
**** what you doin', you can't **** with my crew
吗的 你在干什么 别想跟我兄弟乱来
Screw the ****in' world on up

Mr. Nine-Six, syrup in my cup

Bustin' down goddamn girl
Mr. damn Screw, I would never be with you
该死的家伙 我永远不会与你同流合污
Way back in the days, now I'm ballin', **** a fade
那都是很久以前 现在我在泄火 搞得天昏地暗
I don't give a damn, and I'm pimpin', pushin' plays
我毫无怨言 我是领导者 规则由我制定
Popped up chopped up, boys ain't gon' like it
突然出现 还是分头行动 男人们不会喜欢这样的游戏
****in' with the greatest, them boys, they'll spike it
和最极品的女人乱搞 那些男的会往酒里撒药
Back to that I'm sober
flippin' through the cut with eight, we ain't sober
以八分的成绩翻盘 我们已神志不清
Mr. Nine-Six, big bag of tricks

Right before your eyes, Screwed Up Click
就在你眼前 一切都被搞砸了
My clique down with million, down with the mean
我的小团伙已经穷途末路 连一百万都没有
My homie down with push the damn
I don't give a damn 'cause we all got a dub
我毫无怨言 因为我们都有代号
Came up from a scrub, now I pull up
从最底层一路攀升 现在又停了下来
Go, who done throwed, to the floor
I'ma do it and I like to take my shit slow
我会继续这样 我就喜欢慢慢来
Uptempo is the beat
I'm laid back and blowin' on a Sweet
我要稍作休息 然后给我的宝贝大花上一笔
Pussy-ass sleep, do it
在云雨之欢中入睡 就这么干


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: