8am in Charlotte歌词 – Drake

2023年10月7日16:44:39 发表评论 42

8am in Charlotte - Drake

专辑:《For All The Dogs

作词 : A. Graham/D. Williams/M. Dragoi/J. Woodland/L. Santi/N. Eskridge

作曲 : A. Graham/D. Williams/M. Dragoi/J. Woodland/L. Santi/N. Eskridge

8am in Charlotte歌词 - Drake
In God's hands
(Conductor, we—)
Conductor Williams 制作
Be grateful that He was there
Glory (Yeah)
I'm out here on the road
You can hear it in the voice
Ah-em, still get this shit off, though
不过 还是早点把这玩意弄掉吧

The money speakin' for itself, I call it fortune-tell
金钱本身就能说明一切 我称之为算命
Fire top from a bitch that work at corporate sales
穿着fire top(潮牌)的妹子在公司销售部工作
Chinchilla ushanka, we skiin' out in Courchevel
奢华龙猫毛皮衣穿在身上 我们在Courchevel滑雪
Breakin' news, they tried to kill him, but the boy prevails
制造出重大新闻 他们想将我送至天堂 但他们杀不死我
I leave for tour and my niggas ****in' go to jail
我去巡演 我的兄弟却进了监狱(Young Thug)
Preachin' to the dogs 'bout wantin' more for themselves
向兄弟们说教 但是他们想要更多
It's weighin' heavy on my moral scale
Knowin' they gon' sell another citizen 'cane, they think they Orson Welles
我知道他们还要以卖货为生 他们以为自己是Orson Welles(引用了 1941 年由奥森·威尔斯主演的电影《公民凯恩》。而Kane又谐音(co)caine)
Walk in Chanel, they like, "How the **** you need more Chanel?"
走进香奈儿门店 他们会说"你还需要香奈儿吗"
I got these cats tuckin' tails on fourth-quarter sales
我要让这些人在和我的竞争中甘拜下风(第四季度通常被认为是企业最困难的季度,因为这是财年末,许多公司都在努力实现其销售目标。 Drake 能够在第四季度持续创造高销售额这一事实证明了他的受欢迎程度和成功)
I'm used to seein' tears drop over enormous meals
The restaurant clears out, faint echoes of Lauryn Hill
餐厅里空荡荡的 隐约传来了Lauren Hill的歌声
I say, "We gotta talk about us," I feel like Jordan Peele
我说"我们得谈谈我们的事" 感觉自己像乔丹·皮尔(引用了2019 年乔丹·皮尔编剧和导演的电影《我们》)
Could tell I'm gettin' under your skin like a orange peel
'Cause your words don't match your actions like a foreign film
因为你的言行不一致 就像外国电影里的那样(外国电影的对话和字幕不相符)
And now it's silence in the Lamb' like the horror film
坐在兰博基尼中保持沉默 就像恐怖电影《沉默的羔羊》(lamb双关)
Things get quiet after me statin' the obvious
在我说了显而易见的事情之后 一切都平静下来了
Things get kinky after fifteen years of dominance
15 年来取得一系列成功之后 事情开始变得古怪起来
That October sky is lookin' ominous
十月的天空看起来很不吉利(指他的“October’s Very Own”品牌)
The money is autonomous
Shout' to Oliver North, he out in Rome doin' Toronto shit
致敬我的兄弟Oliver North 他在罗马做多伦多的事(Drake 指的是他的老朋友、OVO 品牌联合创始人 Oliver el-Khatib,有时也被称为“Oliver North”)
And Jeremiah the watchdog, you niggas know what time it is
还有我的随身保镖Jeramiah 你们知道现在几点了
I'm in and out of Houston Hobby so much, I'm a hobbyist
我经常出入休斯顿机场 我是个业余爱好者(Hobby指的是休斯顿的William P. Hobby Airport)
Hoes waitin' on Cench in the lobby, that boy a lobbyist
她在大厅里等着Central Cee呢 那哥们想勾搭上她
Savage got a green card straight out of the consulate
21 Savage也直接从领事馆拿到了绿卡(Drake 提到 21 Savage 的移民身份首次曝光)
Where I go, you go, brother, we Yugoslavian
我去哪你也去哪 我们就像南斯拉夫一样亲密无间
Formal is the dress code, dawg, so many checks owed
正式是着装的唯一要求 这要付很多支票
I feel Czechoslovakian, nigga, what the ****?
我觉得我和我的兄弟就像捷克斯洛伐克一样(Drake 和 21一起创作了许多热门歌曲,即使他们并不总是在一起,他们也会被人们看作说唱历史上的兄弟,就像捷克共和国和斯洛伐克)

Nah, I'm movin' different right now, for real, like
I feel like if Mike switched out the glove for the pen, like
我觉得如果Michael把手套换成了笔 就像——(Michael Jackson在白癜风发作后就戴上了手套)
This shit just too enticing right now, you know?
这玩意现在太诱人了 你懂吧

Diamonds do the silly dance, I raise up the wine glass
钻石在我手上笨拙地起舞 我举起酒杯(这也可能是对他与 Future 合作的 2015 年合作混音带“What a Time to Be Alive”中的单曲“Diamonds Dancing”的致敬)
Metal detectors beepin' and security bypass
金属探测器哔哔响 成功绕过安检
The numbers goin' up, someone pull up the line graph
利润数字噌噌暴涨 有人拉出了曲线图(这样的图表有助于强调或增强听众对Drake获得成就的重要性的理解)
The days are goin' by, it's like I'm livin' in time-lapse
光阴似箭日月如梭 就像我生活在时光流逝中
Been talkin' to Adel like he majored in finance
跟Adel交谈甚欢 好像他是学金融的(后者因担任 HBO 热门剧集《Euphoria》以及 Drake 自己的 Netflix 节目《Top Boy》的执行制片人而闻名)
Shania Twain, notepad, I'm makin' it line-dance
我的歌曲创作如同让记事本“跳舞”就像Shania Twain一样
You tryna rob me, and it's gon' feel like you sittin' at your favorite restaurant 'cause, nigga, that's where you dyin' at
你想抢劫我 那感觉就像你坐在你最喜欢的餐馆里 因为你自己把你自己的路走死了(也是一处谐音,“Dine at”与“dyin' at”同音)
Mob ties, I swear we like a bitch with fine sisters and fine cousins, the family all bad
多少带点裙带关系 我发誓我们喜欢有好姐妹和表亲的妹子 一家都是恶人(致敬James Prince)
I'm preachin' to the dawgs about cleanin' they images
我在对兄弟们说教 要清理他们的外界形象
I swear I'm like a young T.D. Jakes to my menaces
我发誓 面对威胁我就像年轻的T.D.Jacks一般(一位传教士、主任牧师和作家)
Long-kiss goodnight, PDA for my nemesis
长吻互道晚安(死亡的委婉说法,出自The Notorious B.I.G. 1997 年 3 月的歌曲“Long Kiss Goodnight”) 为我的仇敌公开示爱(PDA=Public Display of Affection:公开示爱)
Three hunnid acres, PGA on the premises
豪宅占地三百英亩 如同PGA高尔夫球场(该球场占地 365 英亩,是一些最著名的高尔夫地标的所在地)
That's what's really brackin' like this verse in parentheses
这就是你所发生的事情 就像括号里的这段歌词一样(brackin是crackin的替代词,Drake 将“crackin”中的c替换为b 这种做法在bloodz成员中很常见)
I'm givin' hits to niggas on some, don't even mention it
我正在帮助他们制造热单 这不值一提(Drake在一首歌曲中的任何客串将在几周内流量变得异常巨大,这种现象称之为Drake效应,由于Drake本人已经习惯了这种现象所以他认为没有必要提及,因为这是他的慷慨之举)

Like, don't even worry about it, like
别担心 就像
You can hit me back whenever, or
你可以随时回复我 或者
Or don't, you know?
或者你直接说不知道也行 懂吧
It is what it is, I guess
Yeah, hm


You young boys take some of that money and set it aside
Not havin' enough to pay your tax is a federal crime
没有足够的钱缴税 就等同于联邦犯罪
You niggas obsessed with me, and it's not on no-hetero vibe
你们都迷上了我 让我质疑自己的性取向
Handle beef so quiet, you think that I'm lettin' it slide
安静地处理掉纠纷 你以为我会放下么
Next thing you know, we tip-toein' past enemy lines
Diss me so long ago, we making your memories fly
你们也骂我很长时间了 我就让你们的记忆都抛到爪哇国
Conspiracy theories start floatin' 'round like the Kennedy guy
阴谋论开始四处流传 就像肯尼迪一样
I'll prolly hold a grudge against you guys 'til I'm seventy-five
我会一直对你们怀恨在心 直到我75岁为止(在2018年的一次采访中,Drake表示他无意再次原谅Pusha T和Kanye West)
Ayy, niggas lyin' for a livin', I couldn't relate
他们以一张骗人的嘴混饭吃 我无法理解
We all gotta lay in the bed we make, but that couldn't be Drake
我们都需要为自己的行为承担后果 但本鸭子不需要(从字面意义上讲,Drake不像普通人那样整理床铺,因为他有仆人。Drake不需要为他的行为承担后果,因为他很有影响力。这句歌词表明他和普通人的区别)
You forced a lot of fake love when real ones stood in your face
当真爱摆在你面前时 你强迫自己接受了很多虚假的爱
That's why you got deserted by your niggas like puddin' and cake
I got you on camera bowin' down, but the footage is safe
我拍到你了点秘密 但是我会保守好的(这可能是指Pusha T把他私生子的事说出来)
Thank God, another USB to put in the safe
谢天谢地 又有一个U盘/又有一百万可以放进保险箱了(USB双关:1存储设备 2 10亿美元(1 US Billion),Drake可能在用此双关来彰显他的巨额财富和亿万富翁地位)
Thank God, at the crib, dippin' my foot in the lake
感谢上帝 在我的豪宅里 将脚浸泡在私人泳池中(Drake购买的价值50,000 平方英尺的房产的一部分是他的巨大游泳池,其大小与小湖相似)
I swear that y'all turned me into the villain, I couldn't escape
我发誓 是你们把我变成了混蛋 我无法逃脱
Not sayin' I'm the best at what I do
I'm just sayin' that it's me versus whoever wanna lose
我只是说 这是一场我和“准输家”的对决
Pick any one of the Who's Whos, I got .22s for new crews
在名人录随便挑一个人 我这里有两把火器
R.I.P. to the DJ from Houston, we loose screws
安息吧 DJ Screw 世上再无“C&S”
Helicopters, cop lights, and news crews
直升机 警灯 还有记者团
Niggas steady cryin' to my daddy, well, boo-hoo
You prolly heard a lot about the boy, well, true, true, haha


Be grateful, that He was there
要心怀感恩 因为祂曾在那里守候


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: