Pick Me歌词 – Alec Benjamin

2024年1月27日11:50:39 发表评论 7

Pick Me - Alec Benjamin

Pick Me歌词 - Alec Benjamin

Is it lying if I add a couple inches to my height
如果我把自己身高多算几英寸 算不算说谎呢
Say I'm 5'11 when I'm really just 5'9
对外宣称自己5尺11寸 实际我只有5尺9寸
Am I trying too hard tell me with these tired pick-up lines
这些无聊的搭讪语 是否已经让我弄巧成拙
Baby when you fell from heaven did it hurt or are you fine
宝贝 当你从天堂坠落时 可曾经历伤痛

We can say that we met at a party or at the park or through our friend Charlie
我们可以说我们在派对上 或者在公园里 通过我们的朋友查理相识
Something we'll probably forget and then have to make up again
细枝末节 也许会被我们忘记 随后再重新弥补
We can say that we met doing yoga or at the coffee shop over mocha
我们可以说 我们是在做瑜伽 或在咖啡店喝摩卡时认识的
Something we'll probably forget and then have to make up again
细枝末节 也许会被我们忘记 随后再重新弥补

Pick me if you need a guy within a hundred miles
选择我吧 若你寻找的那个他不在天涯海角
Who likes tea is a Gemini and has family in Ohio
谁能又喜欢喝茶 又是双子座 家人还住在俄亥俄
Is free this Friday night and just might make you smile
周五晚上我正好有空 也许还能有机会博你一笑
I know there's other fish in the sea but pick me
我深知天涯何处无芳草 但还请将我作为你的选择

Is it lying if I tell that I went to UFC
如果我吹牛说参加过终极格斗冠军赛 算不算撒谎呢
Even though I didn't graduate and had a 2.3
尽管我没有从大学毕业 绩点只有2.3
Am I trying too hard tell me if I say you've got to be
告诉我 我是不是太过努力 要我说你简直是
The most flawless specimen you're better than I've ever seen

We can say that we met at a party or at the park or through our friend Charlie
我们可以说我们在派对上 或者在公园里 通过我们的朋友查理相识
Something we'll probably forget and then have to make up again
细枝末节 也许会被我们忘记 随后再重新弥补
We can say that we met doing yoga or at the coffee shop over mocha
我们可以说 我们是在做瑜伽 或在咖啡店喝摩卡时认识的
Something we'll probably forget and then have to make up again
细枝末节 也许会被我们忘记 随后再重新弥补

Pick me if you need a guy within a hundred miles
选择我吧 若你寻找的那个他不在天涯海角
Who likes tea is a Gemini and has family in Ohio
谁能又喜欢喝茶 又是双子座 家人还住在俄亥俄
Is free this Friday night and just might make you smile
周五晚上我正好有空 也许还能有机会博你一笑
I know there's other fish in the sea but pick me
我深知天涯何处无芳草 但还请将我作为你的选择
But pick me mmm
还请将我 作为你的选择
I'm here waiting under-turned
My heart is aching but still no word
我的心如此疼痛 却依旧一言不发

Pick me if you need a guy within a hundred miles
选择我吧 若你寻找的那个他不在天涯海角
Who likes tea is a Gemini and has family in Ohio
谁能又喜欢喝茶 又是双子座 家人还住在俄亥俄
Is free this Friday night and just might make you smile
周五晚上我正好有空 也许还能有机会博你一笑
I know there's other fish in the sea but pick me
我深知天涯何处无芳草 但还请将我作为你的选择


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: