Big Foot歌词 – Nicki Minaj

2024年1月31日20:00:28 发表评论 43

Big Foot - Nicki Minaj

作词 : Onika Maraj/Joshua Goods/Denzel Butler

作曲 : Onika Maraj/Joshua Goods/Denzel Butler

Big Foot歌词 - Nicki Minaj
(Bitch, you been doin' it, been at it)
(婊贝 是你不断地挑衅 让姐重拳出击的哈)
Your flow is such a bore
你的说唱 真的狠无聊
Drinkin' a bottle of Henny through a straw
Bitch, you better stop that dialogue (28 shit)
别以说唱之名 念你那些对白哈(28岁的构式)
'Fore I hit Carl and buy your catalogue (Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha-ha)
别等姐打给你前公司 然后买下你那些烂歌哈

How you **** your mother man when she die?
你妈她丈夫 在你妈去世的时候 和你在一起呢吧
How you go on Gayle King and can't cry?
你接受Gayle King的采访上装哭 却一滴眼泪都没流下来
Chile, bye
算了吧 再见
Big foot, but you still a small fry
有个大脚 但你真的无足轻重惹
Swearin' on your dead mother when you lie
你撒谎的时候 都在向你那去世的妈发誓嘛

诶 呦
This little beggin' whore talkin' 'bout Megan's law
这求爷爷告奶奶的辣鸡 讲什么《梅根法案》(注:指马冬梅曾迫切希望能与麻辣鸡合作一首"Hot Girl Summer")
For a free beat, you can hit Megan raw (Uh)
为了个垃圾伴奏 梅根就跟他跪舔
If you a ghost writer, party in Megan jaw (Uh)
如果跟姐对线的是枪手 请继续你的幕后创作
Shots thrown but I still ain't let Megan score (Tell 'em, uh)
开枪射击 但姐不会让梅根得分
Bad bitch she like six foot (Uh), I call her, "Big Foot" (Brrr)
贱婊子的脚 有6尺长 当然姐就叫她“大脚妹”
The bitch fell off, I said, "Get up on your good foot" (Ah, ah)
那姐妹跌倒噜 姐说:“不是还有好脚嘛 用它站起来”(注:fall off双关糊掉)
Uh, she ain't still topped Red Ruby (No, no, no, uh-huh)
妹妹还碰不上红宝石(注:此处提到麻辣鸡的歌曲"Red Ruby Da Sleeze")
Tryna steal the sauce, I said "Get up out my cook book" (Brrr)
想偷姐的辣酱 姐说:“那你站起来 把姐菜谱拿走”
But really I'm a sweetie pie
谁让姐本身就是甜蜜馅饼(注:此处指马冬梅和啪姐的合作曲"Sweetest Pie")
P-R-T-T-Y but I'm P-E-T-T-Y (Brrr)
很-美-丽 但 姐-不-惯-着-你
Um, why did you lie about your lypo? (Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh)
呵呵 骗大家没去做吸脂?(注:马冬梅曾回应整容争议,辩解道:自己都是去健身房练出来的)
****in' your best friend man is crazy, you the type, though (Uh, uh, uh)
跟你闺蜜男人偷情 真牛比 反正你狗改不了吃米共
You was lyin' to the Queen and you went lyin' to the King, Gayle
你跟本女皇撒谎料片 还跑去跟King装无辜(注:前文提到马冬梅接受盖尔·金的采访)
That thirty-year-old tea, so stale
妹妹 三十年前的八卦不太重要吧(注:麻辣鸡此处回应丈夫被刑事定罪的“八卦”)
Kylie, kicked you out and made you stumble to the car
Kylie Jenner把你扫地出门 然后你摇摇晃晃滚到车里(注:马冬梅在新歌里呛卡戴珊一家拿泄露营销)
Barbz, I need a good alcohol bar
鸡蜜们 姐需要一个好酒吧(注:此处麻辣鸡指出马冬梅的酗酒问题)
Roman, wait, that was the bar
Roman 等会儿 内不就是个Bar(注:此处双关酒吧/说唱佳句,Roman Zolanski是麻辣鸡的音乐人格之一)
Like a body builder, I keep raisin' the bar
就像健美运动员 姐不断提高标准
**** you get shot with no scar? (Brrr)
啥 你中木仓居然没有伤疤
This little piggy toxic, somebody adopt it (Ah-ha)
这小猪猪太有毒 得有人管管(注:此处双关管管她/她没X)
Shit'll get dark like chocolate
妹妹咱俩的关系 会比巧克力还黑
I'm 'bout to get up in your ass, bitch, clench (Woo)
姐姐得去踢踢你屁屁 宝贝 收紧你的菊花
Mm, yeah, sort of like French
They got you all them Grammy's but your flow's still a no
脏话让你得三座格莱美 但你的说唱水平... 额
What a Fiasco, Lupe
真是个败笔(注:此处双关说唱歌手Lupe Fiasco)
Future made you pay (Ha-ha)
债啊 未来你都得还回来
She wanna party with DaBaby while rubbin' on Tory toupe
哈哈 她想跟DaBaby派对 同时摩擦Tory Lanez的假发
I guess she needed money bags for them Trey Songz
我猜她需要Moneybagg Yo 来应对Trey Songz(注:此处双关一袋子钱)
She G-Eazy, Carl made her crawl for it
她就像G-Eazy 姐一提到卡尔便令她匍匐求饶
And, why the **** they poke the Monsta?
****in' with Nicki, this yeah, ho, I'm comin' like a porn star
跟麻辣鸡结下梁子 今年姐会像XX明星一样尽情发歌(注:此处双关Cum/Come 同时回怼马冬梅对卡戴珊的抨击)
She just mad that no nigga ever loved her
她只是因为从未有人真正爱过她 所以她愤怒不已
No nigga gon' stan ten toes behind her
如今背后没有金主爸爸 敢为她撑腰
Is it my fault I got good vagin-er?
怎么姐更牛皮 还是姐的错嘛
Why the **** is you humpin' on a minor?
'Cause she was lyin' on your dead mama (Uh)
毕竟你都能对在天之灵的母亲 撒谎料片
On, on your dead mama (Ah-ha-ha-ha)
哦哦 那在天之灵的母亲
Lyin' on your dead mama (Uh)
对那在天之灵的母亲 撒谎料片
On, on your dead mama (Okay)
哦哦 那在天之灵的母亲
Lyin' on your dead mama (Uh)
对那在天之灵的母亲 撒谎料片
On, on your dead mama
哦哦 那在天之灵的母亲
Lyin', lyin', lyin', lyin' on your dead mama
对那在天之灵的母亲 撒谎料片

Now, listen up, Big Foot
现在给我听好了 大脚妹
You know I got a lot of tea, I went easy on you (Glass fragment foot ass, bitch)
你得知道 姐有你一堆八卦等着爆料 姐能轻松玩弄你(易碎玻璃脚的贱婢)
You, know, whenever I meet a woman that would **** her friend's man (And let your friend talk about your ex-friends baby on the internet, no, no)
你要知道 不论什么时候姐遇到一位谁她闺蜜男友的宝贝(甚至让你好友在网上大肆造谣你原来的朋友)
I know that they have a very evil spirit (Where my prayer warriors at?)
姐知道 她们不会很好欺负(姐的信徒们在哪里)
Uh, I don't think you want the next installment of this song
姐觉得 你不会想让姐再唱下一首关于你的了吧
I know it's the most attention you've ever gotten
姐明白 这次骂战 给你热度拉满
One flow hoe, but, uh, trust
唱腔枯燥单一的垃圾 但 你得相信
If you don't apologize to your mama in twenty four hours
Shit gon' get uglier than Ken Barbie, okay? Don't play
事态就会比芭比男友的长相更丑咯 懂吗?别搁这儿玩儿
Um, and also, I'd like to say to my supporters
I love you, may God bless you, you're amazing
我爱你们 上帝与你同在 你们真的很棒
Um, all the good pussy gyal dem too, yes
好女孩们也一样 没错
But, I'm very serious
但 姐这回可认真了
Ho, the things that you've lied about
Even pertaining to your mom
You don't want them out, okay?
你是不会想让它们被逐一公开的 对吧?
Now, since you think it's funny to speak about people's families
We'll all join in
We'll all play the reindeer games
咱们就来玩玩驯鹿游戏(注:Reindeer games这个短语通常用于描述人们玩弄别人感情或利用别人的行为,尤其是在一些欺诈或虚假的情况下。)
Soon as your new nose heals
And soon as your—
很快 你的——
Well, let's leave that for the second installment, brrr
蒽... 让姐留到二单释出再说噜


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: