The Alcott (feat. Taylor Swift)歌词 – The National/Taylor Swift

2023年4月28日07:32:48 发表评论 16

如果说《Coney Island》是坐落在白雪覆盖针叶林中的一张冰冷长凳,感受着虚无的垠冶寂空与反之独拥万物相护的馨暖,那么《The Alcott》就是暮春里流遍四洲三界的涓涓泉流,览过初叶新展的胡杨林、在山野中水光潋滟、在月下与雪羁绊,终与洪流相遇。最后留下了溯洄从之或许是对这缕覆水最好的答复的思考。

The Alcott (feat. Taylor Swift) - The National/Taylor Swift

作词 : Matt Berninger/Taylor Swift

作曲 : Aaron Dessner/Matt Berninger/Taylor Swift

The Alcott (feat. Taylor Swift)歌词 - The National/Taylor Swift
I'd get myself twisted in threads to meet you at The Alcott
我绞尽脑汁 来回思忖 只为在Alcott与你相遇
I'd go to the corner in the back where you'd always be
我会转身前往那个 总是有你身影的角落
There you are, sitting as usual with your golden notebook
你的确和往常一样坐在那里 手里捧着那本金色的笔记本
Writing something about someone who used to be me

And the last thing you wanted
Is the first thing I do
I tell you my problems
在告诉你 我碰到的困难后
You tell me the truth
It's the last thing you wanted
It's the first thing I do
I tell you that I think I'm falling back in love with you
我告诉你 或许我已再次深深迷恋上你

I sit there silently waiting for you to look up
我坐在这 一言不发 等待你抬起头来
I see you smile when you see it's me
在你注意到我来时 面庞笑容洋溢
I had to do something to break into your golden thinking
我得采取些行动 来打破你那美妙的幻想
How many times will I do this and you'll still believe?
是不是我再怎样尝试 你还是会一如既往地坚信

It's the last thing you wanted (Tell me, which side are you on, dear?)
其实你最不希望发生的是 (亲爱的 告诉我 你的立场到底如何)
It's the first thing you do (Give me some tips to forget you)
你自己变回曾经那个模样 (告诉我 怎样才能将你忘掉)
You tell me your problems (Have I become one of your problems?)
在告诉我 你碰到的困难后 (我已经给你造成困扰了吗)
And I tell you the truth (Could it be easy this once?)
我向你坦白了一切 (这次何必要搞得那么复杂)
It's the last thing you wanted (Everything that's mine is a landmine)
那是你最不希望发生的 (事关我的一切 实则都危机暗涌)
It's the first thing I do (Did my love aid and abet you?)
也是我当初的选择 (我的深爱有帮到你 让你振作起来吗)
I'd tell you that I think I'm falling back in love with you
我告诉你 或许我已再次 深深迷恋上你

And I'll ruin it all over
我会将一切 全部毁灭
I'll ruin it for you
I'll ruin it all over
And over like I always do (Why don't you?)
正如我以往的作风 (而你为何)
I'll ruin it all over (Rain on my parade...)
曾经的全部 都会荡然无存 (还要来扫我兴呢)
I'll ruin it for you (Shred my evening gown...)
我会为你摧毁一切 (毁坏我那套晚礼服)
I'll ruin it all over (Read my sentence aloud...)
我会将一切 全部毁灭(放声说出我的心里话)
And over like I always do ('Cause I love this curse on our house...)
正如我以往的作风 (毕竟这间屋子的诅咒正合我意)

It's the last thing I wanted (Tell me, which side are you on, dear?)
其实我最不希望发生的是 (亲爱的 告诉我 你的立场到底如何)
It's the first thing I do (Give me some tips to forget you)
自己变回曾经那个模样 (告诉我 怎样才能将你忘掉)
I tell you my problems (Have I become one of your problems?)
在告诉你 我碰到的困难后 (我已经给你造成困扰了吗)
And you tell me the truth (Could it be easy this once?)
你向我坦白了一切 (这次何必要搞得那么复杂)
It's the last thing I wanted (Everything that's mine is a landmine)
这是我最不希望发生的 (事关我的一切 实则都危机暗涌)
It's the first thing I'd do (Did my love aid and abet you?)
也是我最开始的选择 (我的深爱有帮到你 让你振作起来吗)
I tell you that I think I'm falling back in love (Back in love)
我告诉你 或许我已再次 深深迷恋上你 (再次爱上你)
Back in love with you

Back in love with you


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: