Houdini歌词 – Eminem

2024年5月31日19:51:35 发表评论 75

Houdini - Eminem

作词 : Steve Miller/Marshall Mathers/Jeff Bass/Kevin Bell/Anne Dudley/Trevor Horn/Malcolm McLaren

作曲 : Steve Miller/Marshall Mathers/Jeff Bass/Kevin Bell/Anne Dudley/Trevor Horn/Malcolm McLaren

Houdini歌词 - Eminem
Hey, Em, it's Paul
嘿 阿姆 这里是保罗
Uh, I was listening to the album
Good f*cking luck, you're on your own
我这也太幸运啦 你一个人整的好活

Guess who's back? Back again
猜猜是谁回来了 再度回归
Shady's back, tell a friend
痞子阿姆回归 快告诉亲朋好友
Guess who's back? Guess who's back?
猜猜谁回来了 猜猜谁回来了
Guess who's back? Guess who's back?
猜猜谁回来了 猜猜谁回来了
Guess who's back? Guess who's back?
猜猜谁回来了 猜猜谁回来了
Guess who's back?
Da-da-da, da, da, da, da, da, da
哒哒哒 哒哒哒哒哒哒
Da-da-da, da, da, da, da
哒哒哒 哒哒哒哒

Well, look what the stork brung (What?)
看看鹳鸟 搞来了啥 (什么?)
Little baby devil with the forked tongue
魔鬼小孩 带着分叉的舌头
And it's stickin' out, yeah, like a sore thumb (Bleah)
还伸了出来 像个大拇哥
With a forehead that it grew horns from
Still a white jerk
Pullin' up in a Chrysler to the cypher
开着Chrysler 来整说唱
With the Vic's, Percs and a Bud Light shirt
穿着Vic's Percs 还有Bud Light衬衫
Lyrical technician, an electrician, y'all light work (Yeah, yeah, ha-ha)
歌词技巧大师 电工一位 你们工作都太轻松 (对 对 哈哈)
And I don't gotta play pretend, it's you I make believe (What?)
我无需假装 是你让我无条件相信 (啥?)
And you know I'm here to stay 'cause me (Why?)
你知道我会留在这儿 因为我 (为啥?)
If I was to ever take a leave (What?)
要是我离开 (啥?)
It would be aspirin to break a feve' (Yeah)
就像阿司匹林 断了发烧的后路 (是的)
If I was to ask for Megan Thee (What?)
如果我问马东 (马冬什么?)
Stallion if she would collab with me
马冬梅 是否会与我合作(注:知名女性说唱歌手,绰号马冬梅)
Would I really have a shot at a feat?
我真的有机会 实现这一壮举吗?
I don't know, but I'm glad to be back, like
我不知道 但我很高兴能回来 像

Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick)
阿布拉-阿布拉卡达布拉 (这是我最后一个把戏)
I'm 'bout to reach in my bag, bruh
我要从我包里拿出来 呃
Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick, poof)
阿布拉-阿布拉卡达布拉 (这是我最后一个把戏)
Just like that and I'm back, bro
就这样 我又回来啦 哥们

Now back in the days of old me
如今 回到过去的我
When right around the time I became a dope fiend
Ate some codeine, as a way of coping, taste of opiates, case of O.E. (Mmm)
吃了些可待因 作为应对 大烟的香味 一天一次
Turned me into smiley face emoji
My shit may not be age-appropriate
我的玩意儿 可能不适合全年龄段
But I will hit an eight-year-old in the face with a participation trophy
但我会用参与奖杯 打个八岁的孩子的脸
'Cause I have zero doubts
因为 我毫无疑问
That this whole world's 'bout
To turn into some Girl Scouts
That censorship bureau's out
To shut me down
So when I started this verse
It did start off lighthearted at first
But it feels like I'm targeted
但现在感觉 我成为了目标人物
Mind bogglin' how my profit has skyrocketed
我的利润飞涨 真令人费解
Look what I pocketed
Yeah, the shit is just like y'all have been light joggin' and
没错 就好比你们一直在慢跑
I've been running at full speed, and that's why I'm ahead like my noggin, and
而我一直在全速奔跑 这就是为啥我总是领先 就像究竟
I'm the fight y'all get in
When you debate who the best, but opps, I'm white chalkin' when
当你们争论谁是最佳 但对手们 我还在爽
I step up to that mic, cock it then
此刻我走上舞台 拿起麦克风 扣动扳机
"Oh my God, its him! Not again!"
"哦天哪 又是他!"

Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick)
阿布拉-阿布拉卡达布拉 (这是我最后一个把戏)
I'm 'bout to reach in my bag, bruh
我要从我包里拿出来 呃
Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick, poof)
阿布拉-阿布拉卡达布拉 (这是我最后一个把戏)
Just like that and I'm back, bro
就这样 我又回来啦 哥们
Break it down

Sometimes I wonder what the old me'd say (If what?)
有时候 我想知道 老的我会说啥 (如果啥?)
If he could see the way shit is today (Look at this shit, man)
如果他能看到今天的情况 (看看这依托)
He'd probably say that everything is gay (Like happy)
他可能会说 一切都基情四射 (就比如快乐)
What's my name? What's my name? (Slim Shady)
我的名字是?我的名字是?(Slim Shady)

So how many little kids still wanna act like me? (Ha-ha)
有多少乳臭未干的小孩还渴望像我一样打破常规 (哈哈)
I'm a bigger prick than cacti be (Yeah)
And that's why these (What?)
所以这些 (什么)
Words sting just like you were being attacked by bees (Bzzz)
话语就像蜜蜂蛰人般辛辣 (嗡嗡嗡)
In the coupe, leaning back my seat (What?)
坐在跑车里 慵懒地靠着座椅 (什么)
Bumpin' R. Kelly's favorite group, the black guy pees (Guy pees)
放着R. Kelly最喜欢的乐队 黑人小伙屁滚尿流
In my Air Max 90s
穿着我的 Air Max 90s
White Ts, walkin' parental advisory
白色T恤 践行着家长不宜的忠告
My transgender cat's Siamese
Identifies as Black, but acts Chinese
自认为是黑人 但举止像华人
Like a muhf*ckin' Hacky Sack, I treat (What?)
像踢毽子一样 我游刃有余 (什么)
The whole world 'cause I got it at my feet (Yeah)
整个世界任我摆布 因为我掌控着一切
How can I explain to you (What?)
我该如何向你解释 (什么)
That even myself I'm a danger to? (Yeah)
I hop on tracks like a kangaroo
And say a few things or two to anger you
口吐芬芳 径直激怒你
But f*ck that, if I think that shit, I'ma say that shit
但管他的 我想说就说 想骂就骂
Cancel me, what? Okay, that's it
封杀我 啥?好吧 随你
Go ahead, Paul, quit
去吧 保罗 滚吧
Snake-ass prick, you male cross-dresser, fake-ass bitch
卑鄙小人 伪娘贱货来形容你 再合适不过
And I'll probably get shit for that (Watch)
我可能会因此惹祸 (看着吧)
But you can all suck my dick, in fact
事实上 欢迎你们都来跪舔我
F*ck them, f*ck Dre, f*ck Jimmy, f*ck me, f*ck you
操蛋的全世界 管它什么Dre Jimmy 我和你都滚蛋最好
F*ck my own kids, they're brats (F*ck 'em)
还有我自己的孩子 都是小屁孩 全都滚粗 (通通滚蛋)
They can screw off, them and you all (Yeah, uh)
通通滚开 你们所有人 一个不留
You too, Paul, got two balls
你也一样 保罗 下面挂俩蛋的小子
Big as RuPaul's, what you thought you saw (Whoa)
跟RuPaul一样大 你以为你看到了什么呢
Ain't what you saw (Nah)
'Cause you're never gon' see me
Caught sleepin' and see the kidnappin' never did happen
陷入沉睡 目睹绑架案 其实这一切根本没发生过
Like Sherri Papini, Harry Houdini
就像Sherri Papini 犹如Harry Houdini
I vanish into the thin air as I'm leaving like
我悄然离去 消失得无影无踪

Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick)
阿布拉-阿布拉卡达布拉 (这是我最后一个把戏)
I'm 'bout to reach in my bag, bruh
我要从我包里拿出来 呃
Abra-abracadabra (And for my last trick, poof)
阿布拉-阿布拉卡达布拉 (这是我最后一个把戏)
Just like that and I'm back, bro
就这样 我又回来啦 哥们



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: