A Way To Die歌词 – 蒲熠星

2025年3月16日10:18:07 发表评论 6

《A Way To Die》借侦探之眼撕开伪饰,如其名篇《八百万种死法》般锋利:真相不需要形容词。当你们用爱情稀释谋杀,用美丽丈量死亡时,共犯席上早已座无虚席。

A Way To Die歌词 - 蒲熠星

A Way To Die - 蒲熠星









Down alleys dark where secrets reside

I trace the clues tide of lies

The neon lights flickering glow

Sin city where beauty dies so

The body a silent tale a stark display

Of innocence lost in the heart of decay

I walk the tombstone where justice bends

Chasing the truth in night's dark ends

The moon hangs above as a silent judge

Over the scene a stage for grudge

Dreams collapse into dust

A soul sacrificed for lust

Rumors swirl like toxic smoke

Tarnishing her name a cruel joke

"Femme fatale" (旁白)

They speak of her vice

Blaming the victim despicable price

No love affair no romance

No plot twist not a chance

Guilt lies not with the one who's gone

But the killer and venomous tongues


As a saying goes: "The heart of a woman can be the most venomous"

She's a wanton

She's a witch

She took the costly gifts

She played with men's hearts

He's ruined himself for her

What a pitiful man

In this sanctuary of wood and smoke

I ponder the case where evil awoke

The cube once clear now melt in the gold

Chilling the spirit a slow subtle unfold

Through a bourbon I see momentary grace turn into curse

In city of whispers

In your corruption you don't deserve purity and dignity of her

The moon hangs above as a silent judge

Over the scene a stage for grudge

Dreams collapse into dust

A soul sacrificed for lust

Rumors swirl like toxic smoke

Tarnishing her name a cruel joke

"Femme fatale" (旁白)

They speak of her vice

Blaming the victim despicable price

No love affair no romance

No plot twist not a chance

Guilt lies not with the one who's gone

But the killer and venomous tongues

封面设计:cmj 骆驼哥





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: